Michigan Driving Laws

Rear-End Collisions Pose Serious Dangers For Michigan Drivers

Rear-End Collisions Pose Serious Dangers For Michigan Drivers

Rear-end collisions can be particularly dangerous for Michigan drivers. If hit while stopped the injuries can be devastating. How many times have you been stopped at a light and and see the driver behind you coming up at a high rate of speed with his or her head in their phone?

House Bill Aims To Stop Cell Phone Use By Michigan Drivers

House Bill Aims To Stop Cell Phone Use By Michigan Drivers

Failing To Wear Your Seat Belt Could Cost You 5% Of Your Motor Vehicle Tort Recovery

Failing To Wear Your Seat Belt Could Cost You 5% Of Your Motor Vehicle Tort Recovery

Aside from putting you at risk for serious injuries if involved in a car accident, failing to wear your seat belt could make your responsible for a civil infraction. It could also constitute negligence and reduce your tort recovery in a subsequent motor vehicle negligence case against the at-fault driver.

Cell Phone Use And Texting Under Michigan Driving Laws

Cell Phone Use And Texting Under Michigan Driving Laws

Most of us know that we shouldn't use our cell phone while driving. But did you know Michigan law and local ordinances prohibit all or some cell phone use while driving? Learn what you need to know to keep your wallet full and prevent distracted driving accidents.